How to Install Extra Tall Baby Gates Safely & Easily

Securing your home for your little explorer has never been more important, and one significant step towards achieving this is to install extra tall baby gates.

These gates are more than just a safety measure—they’re gateways to peace of mind for parents, ensuring that your curious toddler can roam freely and safely within the confines of your home.

Let’s delve into how these gates can transform your space into a secure play haven for your little one.

Introduction to Extra Tall Baby Gates

Extra tall baby gates stand at a height that is difficult for toddlers and even older children to climb over. These gates offer an additional layer of protection against falls, especially in homes with staircases or multi-level spaces.

In addition to preventing access to potentially dangerous areas, these gates also serve to contain children within a designated safe space. This allows parents to carry on with household tasks or other duties without constantly worrying about their child’s whereabouts.

Installation of these gates is relatively straightforward, often requiring just a few tools and some time. Some models offer pressure-mounted installation, while others may require hardware mounting for added security.

Overall, the extra tall baby gate is a valuable tool in childproofing a home, providing both physical safety for the child and peace of mind for the parents.

Why Choose Extra Tall Baby Gates?

One major advantage of extra-tall baby gates is their height. These gates tower above the average child’s reach, making them nearly impossible for even the most determined toddlers to climb over.

This height advantage is particularly important in homes with stairs or split-level areas, where a child’s attempt to scale a gate could result in a dangerous fall.

In addition to their height, extra-tall baby gates also boast impressive sturdiness. Most of these gates are crafted from durable materials such as steel or hardy plastics, designed to withstand the weight and force of a child without buckling, bending, or toppling over.

Consequently, this means that even if a child attempts to push against the gate, it will remain firmly in place, providing dependable containment and reliable peace of mind for parents.

Extra tall baby gates aren’t just barriers – they’re enhanced protection mechanisms for your adventurous toddlers. These gates offer a safe boundary for your little explorers who are just beginning to navigate their world.

With the added height, even the most adventurous toddlers will find these gates a challenge to overcome. Hence, while your children are busy exploring their surroundings, you can relax, knowing that they are playing within a secure boundary.

The enhanced protection that these gates offer is indeed a blessing for parents of energetic and curious toddlers.

How to Properly Install Extra Tall Baby Gates

There are two main steps in installing extra tall baby gates: Choosing the right location for installation and following the installation guide.

  1. Choosing the Right Location: The first step in your installation process involves identifying the most suitable location for your extra-tall baby gate.
    This will largely depend on the layout of your home and the areas you wish to make inaccessible to your child. Commonly, these gates are installed at the top or bottom of staircases, doorways to kitchens or bathrooms, or between rooms.
    It’s essential to choose a location where the gate will serve its purpose effectively and where its installation will not obstruct normal household activities.
  2. Following the Installation Guide: After you’ve selected the right location, the second step is to follow the installation guide provided by the manufacturer.
    Although the installation process may vary slightly between different brands and models, generally, it involves securing the gate in place using either pressure mounts or hardware mounts.
    Pressure mounts are ideal for situations where you want easy installation and removal, like doorways. Conversely, hardware mounts are more permanent and provide extra security, making them ideal for top-of-stairs installation.
    Always ensure to check and double-check your work during this process, as a securely installed gate is crucial for the safety of your child.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Extra Tall Baby Gates

  1. Prepare Your Tools: Gather the necessary tools for installation, typically a screwdriver, a drill (for hardware-mounted gates), and a measuring tape.
  2. Measure the Space: Use your measuring tape to measure the width of the area where you’ll install the gate. Make sure it aligns with the gate’s specifications.
  3. Align the Gate: Place the gate in the intended location. If it’s a pressure-mounted gate, make sure the pressure pads are touching the wall or door frame evenly. For hardware-mounted gates, mark the places where you’ll need to drill holes for the mounting brackets.
  4. Install the Mounts: For pressure-mounted gates, adjust the tension knobs or bolts until the gate is held securely in place. For hardware-mounted gates, drill holes at the marked spots, insert wall anchors if necessary, and attach the mounting brackets with screws.
  5. Attach the Gate: Lastly, place the gate in the mounted brackets and secure it following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Double-Check the Installation: Test the gate’s strength by applying pressure, and ensure the locking mechanism works properly.

Remember, a well-installed baby gate can give you peace of mind knowing that your child is safely navigating within your home. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that the installation is carried out correctly.

Safety Tips When Using Extra Tall Baby Gates:

While extra tall baby gates are designed to ensure your child’s safety, it’s essential to keep some safety tips in mind when using them:

  1. Never Climb Over the Gate: Always use the gate’s designated opening mechanism to pass through. Climbing over could lead to accidents and also encourages children to attempt the same.
  2. Regular Maintenance Checks: Regularly inspect the gate for any damage or loose fittings. Ensure the locking mechanism is working correctly and the gate is securely in place.
  3. Avoid Using at Top of Stairs: Unless specifically designed for this purpose, avoid using pressure-mounted gates at the top of stairs as they may not withstand the force and could lead to falls.
  4. Remove When Not in Use: If the child is not at risk of entering the area, it’s a good practice to remove the gate to prevent unnecessary accidents.
  5. Supervise: Lastly, although baby gates offer enhanced protection, supervision is irreplaceable. Always keep an eye on your child’s activities.

Following these safety tips when using extra tall baby gates can help avoid mishaps and ensure your child’s well-being.

Choosing the Right Extra Tall Baby Gate for Your Home:

Selecting the right extra-tall baby gate for your home involves considering several essential factors:

  1. Height and Width: The fundamental aspect to consider is the height of the gate. An extra tall baby gate should be high enough to prevent your child from climbing over it. Additionally, measure the width of the area you want to install the gate to ensure the gate fits well.
  2. Quality of Material: The durability and strength of the baby gate are determined by its material. Opt for gates made of sturdy materials like metal or hard plastics that can resist force and weight.
  3. Mounting Type: Baby gates can be pressure-mounted or hardware-mounted. Pressure-mounted gates are easy to install and remove, making them ideal for doorways. Hardware-mounted gates provide more security, making them suitable for top-of-stairs installation.
  4. Locking Mechanism: Choose a gate with a child-proof locking mechanism. It should be simple for an adult to operate, but complicated enough to prevent a child from opening it.
  5. Gate Design: The gate design could either be a walk-through or a step-over. Walk-through gates are more convenient as they feature a door for adults to pass through.
  6. Certification: Look for gates that meet the safety standards set by recognized entities like the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA).
  7. Reviews: Check out reviews online and do your research before making a purchase. A resourceful website to help you in this process is Baby Gates Reviews. You can find detailed reviews and a list of the best extra-tall baby gates for stairs.

Remember, no baby gate can replace supervision. Always monitor your child’s activities to ensure their safety.

If you want a detailed Baby Gates buying guide visit here.


As parents, the safety of our children is paramount. Extra tall baby gates play a crucial role in this, offering a protective barrier that keeps them away from potential hazards inside the home. However, choosing the right gate and installing it correctly is a task that requires careful consideration.

When selecting a gate, keep in mind the height and width of the space, the quality of materials, the mounting type, the locking mechanism, the gate design and its certification. It’s also helpful to check out reviews and research beforehand to make an informed decision.

The installation process, while it may vary slightly between brands, typically involves preparing your tools, measuring the space, aligning the gate, installing the mounts, attaching the gate, and double-checking the installation. Remember, a well-installed gate is essential for the safety of your child.

Moreover, it’s crucial to adhere to safety tips when using these gates. These include never climbing over the gate, performing regular maintenance checks, avoiding their use at the top of stairs unless specifically designed, removing the gate when not in use, and always supervising your child.

In conclusion, extra tall baby gates are a useful tool in childproofing your home. But remember, they are just tools and can never replace the vigilant eyes of a parent. Always prioritize supervision and ensure your child’s activities are monitored for their utmost safety.

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